In July 2022, our school was graded 'good' by Ofsted. You can read the report by clicking this link or read an embedded pdf version at the bottom of this page.
Inspectors commented:
Pupils enjoy school. They are happy and feel safe. Staff have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.
One parent stated that all staff members encourage everyone to grow and reach their potential. Every child is valued.
Pupils talk enthusiastically about the range of opportunities provided to them both inside and outside of the classroom. They enjoy the links they have with their local junior school and the church.
Pupils are polite and behave well in lessons and around the school site. They understand the school values and how these link to how they should behave and treat others.
Further Information
Click here to view our School Profile
Click to see the Eastrop Infant School’s Ofsted report on Ofsted's page
Click here to access Ofsted's Parent View website
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