Our curricum
Our Curriculum… Learning Through Play!
Our Nursery environment is arranged so that all pupils can select and access all resources throughout the day both inside and outside. Children direct their learning, while highly-skilled practitioners teach within the child’s play by modelling language, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, providing a narrative for what they are doing and facilitating further learning opportunities for children.
The day is arranged to allow a long, uninterrupted period of child-led learning throughout both morning and afternoon sessions; we call this 'over to you' time. ‘Together Time’ carpet sessions are also part of our daily routine and include pre-planned adult-led interactions.
Observations are recorded on Tapestry, our interactive learning platform. Parents and Carers are also encouraged to contribute to this learning journey.
Our weekly planning follows the children’s interests and areas for development. Our termly planning is based around high quality core texts and the ever-changing seasons, celebrations and interests of the children. Throughout the year we also organise several exciting activities, outings and visits/visitors to enhance the children’s learning.
Termly curriculum maps provide information for parents about what their child will be learning during each term. Copies can be found here
Our curriculum is designed around the needs of our young children and is organised into seven areas of Learning and Development.
These are:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts & Design
The main components of each of the seven areas are
Communication and Language:
- Listening, attention and Understanding
- Speaking
Personal, Social and Emotional:
- Self Regulation
- Managing Self
- Building Relationships
Physical Development:
- Gross Motor Skills
- Fine Motor Skills
- Comprehension
- Word Reading
- Writing
- Number
- Numerical Patterns
Understanding the World:
- Past and Present
- People, Cultures and Communities
Expressive Arts & Design:
- Creating with Materials
- Being Imaginative and Expressive
If you would like to find out more about our Early Years curriculum please speak to a member of the Early Years Team.