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Eastrop Infant School

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Rocksteady Music and Eastrop's Music Day

On Wednesday 16th January, Eastrop Infant School held a music day to help to promote the exciting subject of music throughout the school. We were thrilled to invite Jamie, a representative of RockSteady, to visit us here at Eastrop  to help us with this! RockSteady is a music service which helps children to learn the basic skills of playing music in a band. This in turn helps the children to gain confidence, work as part of a team, and develop their skills in this subject; all whilst having fun!

On our music day, the children attended an up-beat assembly, in which Jamie played various well-known pop songs on electronic instruments. He single-handedly show-cased the different areas of the band, demonstrating vocals, electric guitar, keyboard and drums. There was a real buzz of excitement as the children and teachers alike, sang and clapped along to the songs they knew!

After the assembly, the children were invited back to the hall for workshops in their year groups, during which a few children were selected to come and have a go on the instruments. After a short tutorial from Jamie on how to play each instrument, the children then had a go at playing along to a song! All children in the audience were encouraged to participate by tapping out the beat to help the musicians to keep in time.

For the rest of the day, children took part in various music-related activities in their own classrooms. In Reception, we explored percussion instruments, made our own instruments, and experimented with sounds by adding different amounts of water to glass bottles. In year 1 and 2, children were asked to paint a picture to represent their feelings as they listened to different pieces of music.

The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day, and came away feeling much more enthusiastic about this wonderful subject! Many have mentioned that they would like to join a band when they grow up, so watch this space…

RockSteady are looking forward to returning to Eastrop after the February half term to start the band rehearsals with children who signed up with them, and we can’t wait to watch their performances at the end of term!