Remembrance 2018 at Eastrop
A message from Miss Evans, Year 5 Class Teacher at Southfield
Remembrance-tide this year is a particularly special time, as we are not only remembering the fallen throughout history, but we are also invited to commemorate the centenary of end of the First World War.
The children of Highworth and in particular, those at Eastrop and Southfield, were personally invited by the Royal British Legion to create an image of Remembrance using any media they liked. Lots chose collages and pencils, some chose charcoal and pastels, and we even had one or two sculptures. The images were proudly displayed in the local high street and the Chairman tried his best to pick a winner, but they were just too good! All of the entries received a prize and a thank-you from the Royal British Legion however, as it is such a special year, the events didn’t stop there. The Chairman of our local branch came into our school and with the help from his daughter (that’s me), we launched #PoppyRocks in line with the first day of the Poppy Appeal in the UK. As a new teacher, I was a little nervous for my first ever assembly, but the wonderful children here at both schools made it easier, thanks to their enthusiasm and passion for ‘Poppy day’ and remembering Highworth’s fallen soldiers.After an exciting assembly, the children were ready to rock! I saw many of them walking around Highworth searching high and low for a Poppy Rock and some were successful, bringing them to me at school to show me. One or two were not able to make it to the Podium, but I carefully laid the rocks on their behalf.
On behalf of the Royal British Legion, I would like to say a thank you to all the children, parents, carers and guardians that supported the charity in the lead up to the 11th November. Although the events were fun and exciting, the importance and meaning of Remembrance was never far from our minds and the children were respectful and understanding of this throughout.
Lest we forget: Southfield and Eastrop remember.