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Eastrop at Swindon's Infant Voice Festival!

A note from Mr. Duncan, Music Leader

Perfect Harmony

Eastrop joins Swindon schools on stage for triumphant singing festival.

As the school year counts down to the summer break, Eastrop’s Year 2 singing club have participated in a hugely successful stage performance. Held at the Wyvern Theatre in Swindon, the Infant Voice Festival is an annual highlight of the school calendar, and 2018 was no exception. The choirs from many Swindon schools came together to put on a goosebump-inducing show of countywide harmony as they sang a set of traditional songs.

The Eastrop Infant School choir comprises just over 20 children from Year 2. Every Tuesday after school throughout the year, they have been learning songs with Mr Duncan and developing their passion for singing. The final couple of terms are always exciting as this is when the children in the choir begin learning the songs for the festival at the Wyvern Theatre. As Mr Duncan says: “I love the Infant Voice Festival. I think it is wonderful that such young children have the opportunity to perform quality songs on a proper stage in front of a packed audience. What a fantastic experience it is, and one that can only hold them in good stead throughout the rest of their lives. I am so proud of the choir, as I have been every year. This year’s group should be particularly pleased with themselves as the songs they learnt, beautiful traditional folk songs from across Britain and Ireland, were very challenging both lyrically and melodically. I look forward to being able to say, when they become famous later in life, ‘I taught them’!”